Our martial arts facilities

Our Facilities

Located in a contemporary and spacious unit, our centre is meticulously equipped to provide students with a comprehensive martial arts experience. 

Our Facilities

Located in a contemporary and spacious unit, our centre is meticulously equipped to provide students with a comprehensive martial arts experience. 

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From the specialised Martial Arts Safety Floor to an array of training equipment including

Punch bags (various sizes and weights), Wavemasters (floorstanding punch bags), BOBs (human torso punch bags), Strike shields, Hook and jab pads, Kicking paddles, Safety weapons, Blockers, Bo Staffs, Plastic re-breakable break boards

we ensure a well-rounded training environment. Adding to the overall convenience, our facility offers ample seating for spectators, a Pro Shop stocked with professional martial art equipment and uniforms, modern changing cubicles, and plentiful parking, elevating the overall training experience for our members.